Bern, Switzerland


If you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat (stylochromic), you may know that I have been loving a specific purple smoothie that I have developed to be the vitamin C bomb that we need to protect our bodies from bad sources. Since I’m someone who is weak when it comes to having stress and getting sick, I have been reading a lot of nutrition books the past days and I have proudly develop this smoothie, which is definitely helping me since I’m drinking it. The smoothie consists of fruits that contain a high amount of vitamin C, actually three of a few that are very impressive to notice how healthy they are.

Fall is just around the corner, the bells already rang in my head. That is the season I get sick and to prevent that I have experimented some concepts which weren’t that tasty as this smoothie is. I’m not saying I’m a nutritionist or whatever, but if you feel a lot sick you should try it because it’s also easy to do. 

1 handful of (frozen)Blueberry
1 handful of (frozen)Raspberry
1 Kiwi
3dl Soja Milk / Almond Milk
1 tablespoon of Honey

Put everything in a mixer, it doesn’t matter in what order. If you choose frozen berries, you will enjoy the smoothie even more as it’s already cold and the vitamins are still there.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I know it’s strange that I’m writing about food but it’s just something that is interesting to me. If you liked this post do not hesitate to let me know in a comment!

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